DBT® Skills Classes

next session starting soon!

next session starting soon!

LWL offers skills classes in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT®) for adolescents and adults, as well as adaptations for young adults and individual training.  Clients enrolling in the standard classes will be engaging in a 24-week commitment to learn skills related to tolerating distress, regulating their emotions, communicating with others, and increasing mindfulness.  The overarching goal of learning the skills is to increase our ability to tolerate difficulties without making things worse and to decrease behaviors that cause problems for clients and their loved ones in an effort to define and build a “life worth living.”  This phrase (and our namesake!) is a DBT® principle which references using acceptance and change strategies to create a life with improved contentment and fulfillment.

Classes are currently being held on Mondays or Tuesdays for adolescents and Wednesdays or Thursdays for adults. All classes are currently being held in person.

All DBT® classes are open to new members every six weeks!  Contact us to reserve your spot!

All interested will need to meet with a skills trainer prior to enrolling to discuss commitment, start dates, and learn more about how DBT® will apply to them personally.  Clients are welcome to have a therapist outside of LWL while attending the class.